Weather in Phi Phi

Now Phi Phi, Thailand
Weather station Ban Phru Nai, Thailand
29.19  °C
Light Rain

Wind speed: 26.35 km/h
Humidity: 67%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Fri 28.99°
19.62 km/h 
Light Rain
Sat 29.16°
20.99 km/h 
Light Rain
Sun 29.11°
21.92 km/h 
Light Rain
Mon 29.17°
25.34 km/h 
Light Rain
Tue 30.28°
38.95 km/h 
Light Rain
Wed 29.83°
29.09 km/h 
Light Rain


Phi Phi island and its many neighboring islands are located 50 km outside of Phuket. Phi Phi has a tropical climate with two seasons warm and rainy season.

Warm season December / January to April.

The rainy season from May to December / January.

Warm season which starts in December to April is the most popular time with plenty of sunshine and warmth.

The rainy season when the monsoon brings in the weather gets a little unstable, especially between September and December, with a lot of rain.

The period between May and August, the island is mostly okay to visit with alternating short rain bursts and sun. Watch out for the big waves that might jeopardize the swimming and diving. 

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