Weather in Koh Chang

Now Koh Chang, Thailand
Weather station Ko Chang Tai, Thailand
25.13  °C
Scattered Clouds

Wind speed: 17.57 km/h
Humidity: 73%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Fri 25.19°
14.83 km/h 
Light Rain
Sat 25.55°
17.57 km/h 
Overcast Clouds
Sun 24.26°
14.98 km/h 
Light Rain
Mon 25.61°
15.08 km/h 
Light Rain
Tue 27.32°
28.55 km/h 
Light Rain
Wed 27.13°
36.76 km/h 
Scattered Clouds


Koh Chang is located about 300 km southeast of Bangkok, many Thais get here for a short break from Bankok, it has also become a very popular vacation spot for tourists from all over the world. Koh Chang can be divided into three seasons cool / dry, warm and rainy season. The high season is from November to February.

Cool / dry season from November to February.

Hot season from March to May.

The rainy season from June to October.

High season is from November to February and has the most stable weather, March to May is a good time when everything is calm on the island but the chance for clouds and is also the hottest time of year. The rainy season from June to October can be soaked alternately with sun, well worth a visit if you are in Thailand and want to take it easy on a paradise island.

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