Weather in Khao Lak

Now Khao Lak, Thailand
Weather station Kapong, Thailand
31.38  °C
Moderate Rain

Wind speed: 20.88 km/h
Humidity: 61%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Fri 31.18°
24.52 km/h 
Light Rain
Sat 29.86°
22.46 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Sun 30.87°
18.94 km/h 
Light Rain
Mon 29.64°
20.74 km/h 
Heavy Intensity Rain
Tue 32.16°
10.62 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Wed 32.04°
10.84 km/h 
Light Rain


Khao Lak has no own weather station. The nearest is in Takua Pa.

Khao Lak is located 100 km north of Phuket, Khao Lak can probably split into two seasons hot / dry and rainy season. December to April is Khao Lak normally safe good for swimming and sunbathing. The rainy season even if it only rains some times it's very little tourists and big waves can occur and not safe for swimming or travel with boats.

Dry season in November / December to April / May.

The rainy season from May to October.

December to April are the best time  for Khao Lak if you're looking for sun, sea activities and good food, March and April are usually very hot and little wind.

The rainy season from May to October, some years it does not rain to much and other it pours down. Normally during June to August, it's usually only sporadic rain but the sea is erratic with large waves that come and go. Many restaurants, hotels, etc. shuts down during the rainy season. Each year, the weather is little bit different of course.

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